Damm We Are Delicious [DwD] Recruiting
Kurzick alligned Damm We Are Delicious [DwD] is recruiting officers and members. Currently we have about 40 active members and 8 officers. We are part of an active Kurzick alliance called Plague Fire Legion. Currently have 900K faction that is growing daily.
No requirements for membership. Just be semi-active and enjoy the game.
To be considered for an officer position you must have beaten at least 2 of the campains and be willing to help out within the guild and/or alliance. Must also be willing to recruit at times.
We do nightly activities as an guild/alliance and enjoy helping with almost anything. Some of the activities we do are GvG battles, Elite dungeons/areas, Vanquishing, Title hunting, Alliance Battles.
We offer help in missions/quests plus free hfff runs for your Kurzick title.
Whisper Sung Lei - Markus Pedrone - Super Joel Dude - Ded Musashi - Da Big Ole Pimp - Ooops He Killed You - Process of Belief - Forgotten Queen in game for an invite.